

15歲於michelle chia 演媽姐的歲月,
和GURMIT 連續八年主持的國慶日,

128 thoughts on “春隣

  1. i’ve grown up watching you on tv. especially during the city beat with zhong qin and gang days. i felt that you were fantastic all these while. seeing you back on stage last sunday was really a familiar sight.. my friends and i soon began to reminisce about the times we enjoyed laughing at the things you did. thankyou for giving us such wonderful memories. you’ll always have our support! 🙂

  2. 现在的Sharon已经长大了, 也不再是当时的傻大姐。诚实稳重的另一面,我们才刚刚看见。

    你没有让我们失望。可是,如果你不再踏上这个舞台, 我们大家肯定会失望的。如果不参加综艺组,不妨考虑加入事实新闻组吧?有空再做个 cross-cover, 演个痛快:)

  3. 人总会因为时间的改变而有所改变。。。
    一句话:不管天变地变。。 重要的是。。。活得精彩!开心最重要!加油加油加油!!

  4. 我是一位在台下为你鼓掌的观众。
    All the best.

  5. 不需要你当小丑,也不愿意让你当小丑,不需要你说客套话,也不需要你装亲切。。。一切只要自然就好,我们在意的是你真正开心的笑,just be yourself!

  6. We miss you, Sharon. But we’re also glad that you’re on the way to finding another future, another happiness. Take care 🙂

  7. 感觉你有些别扭,刚开时也有些紧张,声音在顫斗(可能是太久没用华语说话了吧),但是依然表现得很棒!




  8. 小时候的我,看着菁仙的城人杂志,曾经笑过。

  9. this blog post is very touching. i think to you, many of us are strangers who seem to know you. i feel touched reading the messages that others have left for you. Thank you for bringing us entertainment.

  10. 离开一段日子,再次回到舞台能让你更加了解舞台对自己的定义. 也许你需要时间, 又或者你需要改变. 不管如何, 大家还是爱你的! cheers!

  11. Hello! 😀
    I am a fan of you since young.
    I took a photo with you when i was 9 at Serangoon market when you were selling crabs! Haha. Its really memorable and i really thank you for fufilling my little dream.
    I’ll miss you!

  12. 读到了你这篇日记,我的泪不尽就要流下来。你的这篇日记真的感动到了我。











    Apology if my chinese have some mistakes, i’m seldom typing in chinese!


  13. i seldom cry nowadays but all this messages are bringing out the tears again..i dunno what to say..but thank you.
    Your kind thoughts are rooted deeply in my heart.

    Don’t know what the future has in store for all of us..it’s a mystery for us all,no? Yet i trust in all things good and i believe in miracles. If we all never cease to have faith in the goodness life brings, i know we will achieve something..
    someday, somehow.
    Wherever our destination is..

    Enjoy the process of breathing.
    Moments of joy.

    We will get there.

  14. 从小我就视为欧菁仙我的偶像,非常的仰慕她。
    当我觉得十分烦恼时,我就会去看她所主持的“城人杂志” 来松懈身心。


    我小时候也有着另一个愿望,就是能和欧菁仙 一起合照。
    那年九岁的我,真的非常崇拜欧菁仙 。

    因为,欧菁仙 在那里录“创业无敌手”,在那里买螃蟹。


    Thank you Sharon Au.

  15. 去到哪里都要加油!无论你从事什么行业,无论你是艺人,或一名学生,或者政治家,我们大家都会支持你的。加油!有梦想绝对不要放弃!Go for it, and all the best!

  16. u lose nothing for the past 2 years, instead u will gain more for the next coming years,cos u know what u want,BINGO!
    hope i will live my life the fullest as u do.
    Merry X’mas & Happy new year!

  17. 很久没有在电视上看到你了。那天看到你主持‘红星大奖‘时,非常的开心。也很为你开心能够追求自己的梦想。加油!我也在追求自己的梦想。稀望我们都能够成功。继续加油!


  18. i’ll be honest and say that your hosting stint at star awards wasn’t perfect. like you said in your entry (my chinese’s so bad that i only understood half the words there, but i got the jist lah haha), maybe it was the nerves, or maybe it’s the unfamilarity (…and yet so familar at the same time) of being on stage again that the old sharon au wasn’t there anymore.

    but while the old sharon (along with the jokes, crazyness, fun & laughter) may have decreased, i dont know about the rest, but i really like this new sharon au i see. it’s more real, more true to self, in a way that the things you share (on this blog) can really reach down into the hearts of others (like me)…and it’s touching, it really is.

    i guess with a new decision comes with it’s own set of consequences, which may be both good or bad depends on the way you look at it. you made the choice in choosing your new destination, and that’ll naturally come with changes. to some, it may not be a wise decision, but hey, you know best, and what you’ll want to get out of this life journey.

    wish you all the best in your journey ahead yeah? and i just gotta say this- if i used to like you as an artise back in the past when i was young, i really admire you even more now as someone more than just a stage character, but a person real to herself. it’s cool.

    God bless. =)

  19. Hi.. Was so happy to see u on tv once again… u accompanied me in my growing process… from the days my mum and i sit infront of the tv to watch ur show till she had left me for a period of time… she left me since 1999…

    Hope to see u often again? some memories..

    take care

  20. hey, it was nice seeing you on TV again! i really miss those days where I see ‘ah hao’ on tv, ‘ah hao hao jie shao’! so cute! with the poofy hair and ah ma glasses!

    anyway, you seemed to have mature alot through the years, no doubt i miss the bubbly old you, but there is something really ‘sexy and sophisticated’ about the new you 😛

    study hard and really hope to see you on tv again!

  21. please continue to blog. share with us your thoughts and youself.

    “With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
    it is still a beautiful world.
    Be cheerful.
    Strive to be happy.”
    – Desiderata by Max Ehrmann

    Be yourself and no matter what always believe in yourself. C’est La Vie!

  22. hello, i likes your shows very much in the olden day. but now you necer act the show anymore is it True.

  23. those memories that you left for us is realli very deep n unforgotten. your act bring us joy n laughter, but are u really being your own? during the star award, i can really see you being urself. you dun have to act as a clown, say any polite words or act 亲切.. act as urself is the best:)
    no matter wad way u choose to go to the in the future, i’m sure that ur fans and mi will support you all the way.

    love n miss you always

  24. 很高兴

  25. Hi Sharon, may I know what is your secret to being multilingual? Any tips for picking up a new language? I’ve been toying with the idea of picking up the Japanese language after graduating from university a year ago but there’s an issue of money then. Now that I’m working, I have sufficient money but not the time! I know the best way of learning a language is to fully immerse oneself in the culture by being in that country. Well, that’s of course the ideal situation but what’s the next best alternative?

    I really do admire your drive towards your studies. It’s not easy for a celeb. to leave work behind at the peak of his/her career and popularity. Your courage really serves as an inspiration for many of us out here.

    May you continue to strive for excellence in terms of your studies and in the future (your career…)and be at peace wherever you are.


  26. 🙂 the world is big and each human has limited time span to explore/live/learn everything.

    kinda glad to know a fellow singaporean, finally understanding that s’pore’s that small & not complacent abt life here, is living a life that I wanted too 🙂

    must admit i nv like u in the past, probably felt u were quite conceited in the past.but I do feel and sense that u have really start to understand and live life & trying to tell others through urself that, life’s not jus a singapore …ahhaha

    will start reading ur blog regularly. cheers:)

  27. 讀了這篇﹐感觸很多。



    我 從遠處和你揮了手


  28. after reading everyone comments i think what everyone have in mind is: we really miss SHARON AU on TV very much. but no matter what decision you make, u will definitely have our support!! Kambateh!! we will see u back in 2011!!

  29. i read an article about you on new paper. ahora puedes hablar espanol? how impressive..

    you were dearly missed on tv and you will always be. all the best from your singapore fans

  30. Hi Miss Sharon. It’s happy to see you on tv last sunday as a co-host for the star awards 2007. You are still a good host despite not hosting tv shows for quite some time. Too bad u couldn’t join the others for the qing gong yan, But anyway, studies is more important.

  31. 真得很开心又能在舞台上看到你主持。


    但别忘了,在这里还是有很多支持和喜欢你的人, 希望能看到你回来站在舞台上哦!


    Merry Christmas!

  32. this entry was so touching.. jiayoux.. miss seeing u on de tv.. happy to see u hosting star awards 2007. miss u.. all de best to u!! n merry christmas to u =) takecare!!!

  33. 知道你回來主持《紅星大獎》





    在radio gate遇見了正要趕飛機的你
    親切地跟我們say halo


  34. dear sharon, both my sis and i were so happy to see u back hosting star award 2007. =)

    No matter wat u do, 只要开心就好. Too many memories to look back le.. so juz 开开心心的继续往前走吧.


  35. I miss those days when we worked together. And great to see you on TV again… After reading your interview on Shin Min, I admired your thinking on planning for your future career path. Hope Linda and I can visit you in Tokyo one of these days.

  36. It has been a long long time since I last enjoyed a TV programme. Surprising, that fateful day, I make it an effort to be available just to watch you on LIVE again on TV. Somehow the familar face and tones, brings back lots & lots of memories… I have always enjoyed your programmes and your outstanding presentation skills. It will be sad to see that you fade out from the little box eventually… BUT after knowing you have great ambitions to pursue (from the papers), I thought of leaving you a little encouragement note here… [Do follow your heart and passion, we only lived once] Forget not – have plenty of good rest whenever you can ‘cos your next lap will needs it! Take good care young lady 🙂

  37. spice mummy u obviously did not read it properly? Kindly read it again u will find Jack neo and NKF 群星照亮千万心。=)

    Merry xmas everyone!!

    Fill our hearts with joy.

  38. 菁仙,
    我算你johor bahru的funs,曾經kuala lumpur看過你﹐ 你本人很美。All the best…hope to see u in Tv again.

  39. Feel really touched reading your entry and the comments. It seems like a farewell gathering. Bittersweet memories. Heartfelt reflections. Therapeutic reminiscence. Whatever route you choose, i believe many would give you the utmost support. Continue pursuing your dreams and do update us using this medium. Oh ya! I love the song you sang in 春到人間, “曙光”. It’s simple yet laden with encouraging words. Merry Xmas! May many happy returns be with you =)

  40. You’ve done a great job at Star Awards 2008. Hope to see you one day on stage not as host, but as one of the Best bla bla and even in TOP 10 Favourite Female Artiste… JIA YOU!

  41. 得知你将参与“红星大奖”的主持工作,我实在是太高兴了。期待着12月16日的到来。在播出当天,在电视里看到你实在是太兴奋了。脑海里钩起了许多你以往电视佳作的回忆


    Hope will see u on “Star Awards 2008” 😀

    ~”Chen mei guang”‘s fan aka “a hao”‘s fan aka “Sharon Au”‘s fan

    Merry X’mas & Happy New Year

  42. 本当にすごいね!私も中学生の時から、テレビですっと見てて!!なんか思い出しましたね(笑)

  43. so long didn’t see you acting already =[
    Esp , 城人雜志 ! that was nice and my favourite show since the show telecast ! sharon au ! you’re being missed =DD
    and merryxmas to youuuu! =DD

  44. really great to see you on tv again.
    missed you and your shows so much!
    your entry made me teared alot.
    you’re really great!
    your great moments on tv,
    that brought me and many others
    fun, laughter, and joy will be remembered 🙂
    i wish you all the best in your future endeavours!

  45. Hi Shaz,

    It’s great being able to see u after so long during Star Awards on 16 Dec… U still look as pretty as ever! =) Anyway, here’s wishing u and ur family a blessed Christmas! May this Christmas bring joy and peace to u and those ard u… God bless and best wishes for the new yr! =)

    Lots of luv,

  46. Hi Sharon, I have been away from Singapore for a long time. Life has been hard but simple then. One of the best time of the day is to watch your show you star with Kym – 成人杂志。It was really funny and I thought you are the most charming girl then.
    I was back recently and had the chance to watch the star awards program and was really really surprise to see you as I was told you have quited show biz.
    Went to the web and try to search some info about you and found this blog. Read your article and found a bit of sadness in you. Yes, times has changed, and so will destiny. 缘起,缘落,缘结束,但一切的缘结束时就是另一段的缘起时。
    I do wish you all the best.
    BTW, you are still one of the most charming lady. I do enjoy your smile. So Smile Sharon Smile……

  47. have a merry, joyful and happy christmas babe!!
    enjoy yourself wholeheartedly with your friends this christmas.
    they will fill the cold winter xmas with lots of warmth.
    may all the happiness be with you always.
    all the best for the brand new year ahead.
    take care! smilez. many loves!! XOXO.

  48. わたしわシンガポールじんです。

  49. Hi Sharon,

    It’s great seeing u @ star awards on 16 Dec after so long! U still look as pretty as ever… =) Here’s wishing u and ur family a blessed Christmas and may this Christmas bring joy and peace to u and those ard u… God bless and best wishes for the new yr! =)

    Lots of luv,

  50. sorry i might sound cliche but yes, it’s a great feeling to see you on tv again (: among all the artistes, you’re one that i feel that i can connect with, and it’s very heartwarming reading your blog. you gave me motivation to pursue my dreams too (: thank you so much and, merry christmas (:

  51. Merry Christmas!!! hahah.. abit belated .

    My friends said you looked much older.. but.. I feel that you look younger.. hmmm.. i nv debate with them because no point gossiping so much.. hahaa..

    I am glad that you have presented your true self that day.. and that was not shocking at all.. because you are much more pleasant when you are true..

  52. Dear Sharon,

    is glad that you still can rewind the memories of a decade long in SBC,TCS and now MediaCorp with fondness.I shared the little goggle-box with my family each time Sharon and the other artistes appeared.We shared the laughters and joys as they proudly presented to our living room,
    Thank-you very much.We will continue to give you our supports no matter what course you choose in your future,Sharon.

    All the Best to you,

    Richard Aw

    The Apollo 11 landed on . . . @제주도/濟州島

  53. hello sharon 🙂 i remember how i grew up watching your shows and you’ve been quite an inspiration to me even in my younger days. my childhood was spent watching your shows. you were such a great host in city beat and i grew up watching that show, very much tickled by you and your silly antics. you brought much laughter into my life and one of the shows i’ll never forget is ‘the right frequency’- bo ying ren. your character of ‘chen mei guang’ left a huge impression on me and its simply, a classic and unforgettable role. speaking of which, i really miss the guy called ‘yandao’ in the show, ryan choo. do you know where hes gone? his acting is superb and really natural. would love to see you guys back into acting again. take care while you’re away from home and eat less chocs (i remember you once mentioned how much you love chocs) all the best and i hope to see you on tv soon.

  54. you’ve done a great job sharon, everybody loves you here no doubt. you will always be you.. Jiayou hope to see you soon

  55. i grew up watching your variety shows. seeing you on stage again,there feels like this sense of deja vu. i miss seeing you on screen, but i know, perhaps as one grows, one changes what one enjoys.

    jiayou in whichever arena the future may lead. (:

  56. Hi Sharon,
    Very elated to see you back on screen at Star Awards ’08 weeks ago. That sunday evening i let out a loud cheer when your name was announced alongside the other 2 hosts, as enthusiasm and curiousity got the better of me.

    I wondered if you would be the same bubbly and melodramatic comedian cum host, that captured many of our hearts years back. Or that having been immersed in the rigourity of college life and lacking exposure on stage, would you be subtle, uncomfortable and even anxious. The answer was plapable. Your gutsy performance was respectful and thank you for giving us an earnest front.

    The passion-confident blend was replaced by that little insecurity and the unfamiliarity. Your post awards interview had also confirmed my long instinct that you have moved on. I felt a little disappointed yet happy for you simultaneously.

    Surely, whatever you endeavour to do in the future, i am sure it will be impactful!

    An eternal fan,

  57. hello..
    the first time i saw u in person was during 创业无敌手, you were with jeff wang then.. that was a long time ago, hope you can do another similar 1 haha..
    people make many decisions in life, as long as they are right and what you want just go for it. You have my suppport! =) Jiayou in all aspects of life, stay happy!

  58. Hello Sharon,

    Very glad to see u again….but realised that you have changed…changed to a more mature and serious person….very big contrast in your character before you left Sinapore for Japan. However, I will still support you…looking forward to you coming back to S’pore….
    Miss you a lot. You must take care and all the best!

    Have a happy and fruitful 2008!

  59. sharon!!
    miss u sooo much!!
    u will hv our support always.
    My whole family have been supporting u ever since the time u hosted the city beat all the way till now.
    Even if u will not appear in tv anymore in the future, we will never forget u…
    jiayou and all the best to you!
    take care of urself =)

  60. wow reading all these comments..they’re really all so touching..
    sharon u really make a difference in so many people lives..including mine. all the memories..will be there for eternity. ❤

  61. Dear Sharon,

    As this year is approaching an end very soon….Thanks on behalf of so many of your supporters and friends that you had kindly spent some 48 hours in Singapore in ear 2007.Come 2008,will you be visiting S’pore for whatever course,do keep all of us in touch.Be it a brief one or a friends gathering with some sponsorships activities of our local big company?
    I like the recent photo which the advertiser,the bak kwa company displayed outside their shops.
    Wishing you a ” VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR ” .

  62. ya,I saw the the “bak kua” adverstivement stand-banner as well, so sweet!Everybody still remember u,Sharon:)
    Wishing u and all fans here a Very Happy and Blessed New Year and all the Best for 2008!

  63. Tis the last day of the year 2007. And im reading all the messages left by you guys over and over again..
    I don’t know what else to say but thank you.. for leaving me messages and stories that fill my heart with an abundance of gratitude and love.


    2008..here we come.
    Time waits for no man.

    The world is out there. Go go for it.
    No fear, no compromise, no regrets.

    It is now or never.

  64. hey aharon, its not yet 2008 here in singapore but hey it will be here soon..
    wishing you all the best in the new year, like you said go for it! yeah? jiayou together! take care

  65. 虽然这次的你看起来还真的有点生疏但还是全心的支持你.每个人都会有忘记的时候,没什么大不了.

    自己知道自己在做什么就好了… 世界没有清楚的黑与白,只有自己才明白.

    是你教我生活是可以很自在自由. Happy New Year (:

  66. happy happy new year!!! =) miss ya! when are u coming back?
    miss the show u and liling singing all those songs. u guys keeping the van houten chocolates coz in the show the chocolates very eXpensives in those days.

  67. Saw you study at Waseda University, one of my favourite artist is there too~ he is at Horikoshi Gakuen, Waseda University (Human Informatics and Cognitive Sciences, distance-learning) , Tegoshi Yuya (NEWS), wonder did you bump on him?
    Anyway, Sharon! Good luck and all the best you do! Suppppport forever!!!

  68. Hi sharon, chance on this blog and out of curiosity, is your boyfriend japanese/spanish? Are you still in japan or Spain? My friend said you’re still with sporean investment banker. Im betting you got a new jabpanese or spanish beau.
    Who’s correct?

  69. Hi Soffie,
    if you were to source online for the 23 Dec interview Sharon had with the New Paper,

    i. ‘she admitted that the relationship is no longer her priority’

    ii. ”But seriously, I’m not interested in dating. My priorities are in place.’, said Sharon

    iii. With regards to her Investment banker boyfriend, Esq, ‘she stopped short of declaring they are no longer an item’

    Hence, who’s Sharon dating? Your guess is as good as mine.


  70. salut gavin merci for the infos. i cant read mandarin, but can speak.
    i read her blog where she said “Can’t wait for you guys to meet U-KNOW-WHO..
    LOVE IS IN THE AIR!!!”…..so the suspense hahaha
    Is she in japan or france?

  71. Hi Sharon
    I agreed u had changed……but u are more U now…..I am waiting for the day to be myself too!! U looked totally compose on stage despite not hosting for so long and u did a great job.
    All the best in yr studies…

  72. hi sharon.. have you heard of Avita International University? my school has a summer studies program there but there isn’t much info on the (AIU website). prefer waseda as i have few friends there, but akita is the only one offered =(

  73. 思ったとうりに、叶えられてく。。ドリカムの 
    Dreams come true.

    Dream big. Live it.
    Shout it out loud—I wanna live life!!!


  74. sharon

    sorry to let u know, MC King just passed away tis morning……
    the whole of mediacorp were saddened by the news..

    Take care……….PAT Mok

  75. My deepest condolences…
    may you find peace wherever you are now qingxi.
    Your family and friends are going to miss you. My heart goes out to them. Losing someone..it is too painful for words.
    But i want to believe in heaven. Or some sort of paradise. And that you are there.

    Just this morning i left a message and proclaimed my will to live life. And whether if you have told the one you love you love him?


  76. 我记得某个演员说过,喜剧演员最难演也最伟大。因为他们必须很有创意、很无厘头、愿意丑化自己、绞尽脑汁为观众带来欢笑。一部戏剧获电影里,我们不难发现一个几秒钟的搞笑画面,往往都会留给观众深刻的印象。


  77. I am quite surprised you are calm when you heard this news! If is sharon in the past, you will be like us saying can’t accept, crying….

  78. Yap..we were shocked to hear the news. MC King’s mother mentioned that that day, her son jut came back home after buying breakfast and told her that he was tired and needed some rest. He informed his mum to wake him up before 3pm. Her mum heard the weak sound coming from MC’s room. She saw his eyes became white and his face turned purple.

  79. Hi,
    I chanced upon your blog through my friend’s EveryLittleBlessing blog and felt compelled to leave you a note here. We met very briefly when you were covering huan dao zhui zhui zhui and gosh, it had been years back. I agree it takes great determination to embark on a new journey, any journey, no matter if the steps are small or huge. Glad to note that you do seem to enjoy your every new step, and this is something I hope to learn from.

  80. 我是看着你的戏长大的..你的作品让我的童年过的快快乐乐, 整天嘻嘻哈哈的..上个月看见你重新登上舞台,真得很期待你再次踏进演艺圈的那一天..就算你已经不记得怎么扮小丑, 或怎么说客气话, 还是怎么显得更亲切..这些都不是代表你的特征..你只要做自然的你, 就足够了..

    PS 你知道这个月是Beauty World的第20周年吗?他们又表演了..听说票还都卖完了呢..你的“Lulu”也有点功劳吧..:)

  81. hi, i chanced upon your blog through searching. i know this is out of point but i am hoping that you would help me out since im desperately trying to find my lost dog and am now hoping to get some exposure regarding my lost dog so that someone who spots her can contact me. i hope you can help put up a post about my plight in your blog or something… details are here…

    details are at http://lostdoggie.blogspot.com

    thanks… in advance and sorry to bother you…

  82. 说这些,或许太迟了。当播音人和春到人间播出时,我还是个小孩子。就只记得一些片段。当你离开了,因为对你没有什么印象,所以也没有什么特别的感觉。但是最近,因为有一个机会,我重新看了一遍春到人间,被你那首‘曙光’感动了。然后,那时我想起了播音人和这句话,‘大家好,我是陈美光光光光光’ 你演戏时很自然,是一个好演员。还有,你不是小丑,你从来不是。因为你演的角色,大家都很快乐,但是,你不是小丑。你是个好演员。



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